John Stuart Mill
Statement repudiating the Rights of Husbands
I have to say that I have a great admiration for john Stuart Mill. He was way ahead of his time when it came to fighting for women’s rights; not just women’s rights but sexual equality. This statement was obviously written right as he was about to marry his love Harriett Taylor. I think after knowing how women were treated in marriages of the time, which I am sure Harriett was, treated the same way, he decided he would make her a full partner in their marriage. He wanted her to have the right to own property and not stay bound to him if she chose not to do so .He shows us this in the passage: “ And in the event between Mrs. Taylor and me I declare it to be my will and intention and the condition of the engagement between us, that she retains in all respected whatever the same absolute freedom of action, and freedom of disposal of herself and all of that does or may at any time belong to her, as if no such marriage had taken place.” (pg 515) They views that he had support that he wanted nothing less than equality in their relationship. Even after she had died and he was in a government post years later, he was still fighting for the rights of women. I feel his writing and beliefs are still very relevant because we can see several examples around the world were women and others are still being oppressed. Just proves his thought process was before its time. I think of him as one of the first advocates of equality.
I agree that Mill was way ahead of his time on a lot of issues. Note that his reason for equal laws and opportunities for women is not because of equal rights, but because it is beneficial to society not to exclude half of its potential contributing members. He was a utilitarian, not a liberal. By the way, be sure to proofread your posts; there are several incoherent or confusing sentences in this one.
Mill was definetly a feminist during his writings, and I truly believe he wanted true equality for both sexes. I really admire that about him.
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